Budget Promises: Beyond Parliament

Budget Promises: Beyond Parliament is a dashboard under publicfinance.lk that tracks the government’s performance in delivering on its budget promises.

Click here for methodology, progress and openness descriptions for each proposals. Please reach out to pfp@veriteresearch.org to gain access to the source documents.


Openness Tracker

Is the government saying what it is doing?
  •  Closed
  •  Restricted
  •  Uncooperative
  •  Responsive
  •  Open

Progress Tracker

Is the government doing what it's saying?
  •  Unclaimed
  •  Undisclosed
  •  Broken
  •  Poor
  •  Partial
  •  Substantial
  •  Fulfilled

The Proposals List

Allocation (Rs. Mn)
Budget Promise
Ministry / Government Institution
Openness Tracker
Progress Tracker
Allocation (Rs. Mn)
Budget Promise
Continuing the Provision of Increased Allowances Paid to Beneficiaries of Samurdhi, Elderly, Differently-abled and Kidney Patients' Allowances - It is proposed to allocate Rs. 43 billion to continue the provision of increased allowances paid to the beneficiaries of Samurdhi, Elderly, Differently-abled and Kidney Patients' allowances and families affected by the economic crisis.
Ministry / Government Institution
Department of Samurdhi Development and the National Secretariat for Persons with Disabilities (under the Social Empowerment Unit of the Ministry of Women, Child Affairs and Social Empowerment)
Openness Tracker
Progress Tracker
Allocation (Rs. Mn)
Budget Promise
Rehabilitation and Construction of Roads and Bridges Damaged by Floods - It is proposed to allocate Rs. 2000 million in the year 2023 to rehabilitate the roads and bridges damaged by floods. Accordingly, actions will be taken to repair Garagoda Bridge across the Kelani River, complete the remaining work of the Raja Mawatha in Badulla and complete the remaining work of the District Secretariat of Galle.
Ministry / Government Institution
Road Development Authority
Openness Tracker
Progress Tracker
Allocation (Rs. Mn)
Budget Promise
Improving Child Nutrition - It is proposed to allocate Rs. 500 million to further strengthen the existing nutrition supplemental programmes in order to improve child nutrition.
Ministry / Government Institution
Ministry of Health
Openness Tracker
Progress Tracker
Allocation (Rs. Mn)
Budget Promise
Enhancing Flood Protection Systems - It is proposed to allocate Rs. 500 million for the implementation of irrigation systems based on Ma Oya, Aththana galu Oya and Bentara Ganga in order to enhance the flood protection systems.
Ministry / Government Institution
Ministry of Irrigation
Openness Tracker
Progress Tracker
Allocation (Rs. Mn)
Budget Promise
New Economic Zone program for attracting foreign investments - It is proposed to allocate Rs. 300 million to set up New Economic Zones in the Western Province, North Western Province, Hambantota, and Trincomalee with a view to attract foreign investments.
Ministry / Government Institution
Ministry of Investment Promotion
Openness Tracker
Progress Tracker
Allocation (Rs. Mn)
Budget Promise
Strengthening Elderly / Differently-abled / Widows as Household Entrepreneurs - It is proposed to allocate Rs. 250 million to strengthen elderly/disabled/low-income/widows economically by utilizing their skills and labor, and thereby obtain their contribution towards the development of the national economy. A programme is proposed to be arranged for this purpose by the Ministry of Women Affairs and the Ministry of Industries.
Ministry / Government Institution
Department of Samurdhi Development, the National Secretariat for Elders and the National Secretariat for Persons with Disabilities (under the Social Empowerment Unit of the Ministry of Women, Child Affairs and Social Empowerment)
Openness Tracker
Progress Tracker
Allocation (Rs. Mn)
Original allocation - 250. Revised allocation - 190
Budget Promise
Establishing 10 Agro-entrepreneurship Villages - It is proposed to allocate Rs. 250 million to establish 10 Agro-entrepreneurship villages in order to encourage export-oriented products with the use of modern technology thereby transforming the farmers involved in the agriculture industry into agro-entrepreneurs and generating employment opportunities.
Ministry / Government Institution
Ministry of Irrigation
Openness Tracker
Progress Tracker
Allocation (Rs. Mn)
Budget Promise
Loan Scheme to Encourage Young Women Entrepreneurs - It is proposed to allocate Rs. 250 million to introduce a loan scheme recognizing the importance of encouraging young women entrepreneurs, who are engaged in informal household businesses, which are not covered by the Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Line of Credit Project.
Ministry / Government Institution
Ministry of Women, Child Affairs and Social Empowerment
Openness Tracker
Progress Tracker
Allocation (Rs. Mn)
Budget Promise
Investment Friendly Environment - It is proposed to allocate Rs. 200 million to the Ministry of Investment Promotion to introduce necessary reforms to create a more investment friendly environment by reducing costs, procedures and time, and improving transparency.
Ministry / Government Institution
Ministry of Investment Promotion
Openness Tracker
Progress Tracker
Allocation (Rs. Mn)
Budget Promise
New Department for Cinnamon Industry - It is proposed to allocate Rs.200 million to establish a separate department for the development of the cinnamon industry in Karandeniya.
Ministry / Government Institution
Department of Cinnamon Development (under the Ministry of Agriculture and Plantation Industries)
Openness Tracker
Progress Tracker
Allocation (Rs. Mn)
Budget Promise
Improving Facilities in Rural Schools - It is proposed to allocate Rs. 200 million for the construction of sanitary facilities in 139 provincial schools, 23 national schools, and rural schools with minimal facilities.
Ministry / Government Institution
Ministry of Education
Openness Tracker
Progress Tracker
Allocation (Rs. Mn)
Budget Promise
New Faculty of Medicine - It is proposed to allocate Rs. 200 million to establish a new medical faculty under Uva-Wellassa University in order to increase the number of students enrolled in medical faculties.
Ministry / Government Institution
Higher Education Division (under the Ministry of Education)
Openness Tracker
Progress Tracker
Allocation (Rs. Mn)
Budget Promise
Promotion of Electronic Payment System - It is proposed to allocate Rs.200 million to prepare an electronic payment system for govemment payments including cash grants to the respective recipients and the payments for obtaining services from various government agencies by the public.
Ministry / Government Institution
Ministry of Technology
Openness Tracker
Progress Tracker
Allocation (Rs. Mn)
Original allocation - 150. Revised allocation - 148
Budget Promise
Reducing Post-Harvest Crop Losses and Improve Storage - It is proposed to allocate Rs.150 million to develop required knowledge, technology and various infrastructure facilities to reduce post-harvest losses.
Ministry / Government Institution
Ministry of Agriculture
Openness Tracker
Progress Tracker
Allocation (Rs. Mn)
Original allocation - 120. Revised allocation - 119
Budget Promise
Retaining the Youth in Agriculture Industry - It is proposed to allocate Rs. 120 million to select 240 youth who are currently unemployed representing each district of the island and to empower them as agricultural entrepreneurs.
Ministry / Government Institution
Ministry of Agriculture
Openness Tracker
Progress Tracker
Allocation (Rs. Mn)
Budget Promise
Agency for External Trade and Investment - It is proposed to allocate Rs. 100 million to set up a single agency enabling to create a conducive environment for promoting investment and external trade. Said agency will be set up in place of the Board of Investment, Export Development Board, Sri Lanka Export Credit Insurance Corporation, National Enterprise Development Authority etc. with the enactment of a new law.
Ministry / Government Institution
Openness Tracker
Progress Tracker
Allocation (Rs. Mn)
Budget Promise
National Productivity Commission - It is proposed to allocate Rs.100 million to establish a National Productivity Commission as an independent institution to improve productivity in every sector of the economy.
Ministry / Government Institution
Openness Tracker
Progress Tracker
Allocation (Rs. Mn)
Budget Promise
Quality Assurance and Accreditation Board for the University Degrees - It is proposed to allocate Rs. 100 million to set up a Quality Assurance and Accreditation Board to ensure the quality and accreditation of degree courses conducted in universities.
Ministry / Government Institution
Non state Higher Education Division (under the Higher Education Division of the Ministry of Education)
Openness Tracker
Progress Tracker
Allocation (Rs. Mn)
Budget Promise
Development of Inland Fisheries Industry - It is proposed to allocate Rs. 100 million to increase the capacity of the existing fish breeding centers to facilitate inland fisheries industry in order to increase the nutritional level of the public.
Ministry / Government Institution
Ministry of Fisheries
Openness Tracker
Progress Tracker
Allocation (Rs. Mn)
Budget Promise
Increasing Liquid Milk Production - It is proposed to allocate Rs. 100 million to develop the Kundasale Artificial Insemination Center and adopt new technologies in order to increase liquid milk production.
Ministry / Government Institution
Department of Animal Production & Health
Openness Tracker
Progress Tracker
Allocation (Rs. Mn)
Budget Promise
International University for Climate Change (IUCC) - It is proposed to allocate Rs. 100 million to establish an International University for climate change for the purpose of furthering knowledge, sharing experience, education, training, building capacities, development of programs in the areas of climate change mitigation.
Ministry / Government Institution
Ministry of Environment
Openness Tracker
Progress Tracker
Allocation (Rs. Mn)
Budget Promise
New Laboratory for Excise Department - It is proposed to allocate Rs.100 million to establish a laboratory under the Excise Department to carry out tests relating to alcohol products as a mechanism to examine the quality of alcohol products and to setup standards.
Ministry / Government Institution
Department of Excise
Openness Tracker
Progress Tracker
Allocation (Rs. Mn)
Budget Promise
Establishing a Road Maintenance Fund - It is proposed to allocate Rs. 100 million to establish a Road Maintenance Fund by charging an annual fee not less than Rs. 100 per vehicle when obtaining revenue licenses in order to provide for all types of road maintenance annually.
Ministry / Government Institution
Road Development Authority (under the Ministry of Transport and Highways)
Openness Tracker
Progress Tracker
Allocation (Rs. Mn)
Budget Promise
Sanitary Facilities for Prisoners - It is proposed to allocate Rs. 100 million to improve the existing sanitary facilities for prisoners because the current number of detainees (including suspects) exceed the sanctioned capacity of the prisons currently under the Prisons Department.
Ministry / Government Institution
Department of Prisons
Openness Tracker
Progress Tracker
Allocation (Rs. Mn)
Budget Promise
Post-Graduate Education Opportunities for Doctors - It is proposed to allocate Rs. 60 million to establish postgraduate study programs for doctors in Peradeniya, Ruhuna and Jaffna universities. The universities are required to take necessary action to establish legal and procedural arrangement to implement this proposal. It is also proposed to prepare a national policy for post graduate education locally for doctors.
Ministry / Government Institution
Higher Education Division (under the Ministry of Education)
Openness Tracker
Progress Tracker